Our Marketing Machine

Discover marketing for motivated sellers.
direct mail marketing
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At InvestWithBen.com we have mastered the art and science behind marketing for motivated sellers. We consistently spend thousands of dollars every month along with hundreds of hours speaking with homeowners directly so that you don’t have to. This leaves our clients the time they need to focus on their investing.

Many homeowners choose to work with us over a realtor because of the service and creative selling solutions we can provide to them. We aren’t a good fit for every homeowner, but we have mastered the art of locating the homeowners we are a good fit for. This is why we are one of the most online reviewed homebuyers in the Indianapolis region. For the homeowners we work with, the sale price is not their biggest concern, but rather, what problem can we solve for them.  

Marketing Strategies we use to locate
great deals for you and your clients include:
Marketing By Direct Mail
  • Probate
  • Absentee Owner
  • High Equity
  • Owner Occupied
direct mail marketing
Online Marketing
  • BenBuysIndyHouses.com
  • Google AdWords
  • Organic SEO
  • YouTube
  • Facebook
leverage networking
Leverage With Networking
  • Realtor’s
  • Bird Dogs
  • Wholesalers
  • Real Estate Seminars and Events